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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
  • Fax:0757-81196682
  • Contact:梁先生/Mr Leung
  • Phone:18900873383/18900873268
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • Skype: sbs-Candy
  • URL:http://www.hycjk.com
  • PVC pipe

    PVC pipe

  • High strength bolts with large hexagon

    High strength bolts with large hexagon

  • Galvanized bolts

    Galvanized bolts

  • Bolt basket

    Bolt basket

  • Embedded parts

    Embedded parts

  • Shear studs

    Shear studs

  • Expansion bolts

    Expansion bolts

  • Torsional shear type high strength bolt

    Torsional shear type high strength bolt

  • Ventilation ball

    Ventilation ball

  • Self-tapping screws

    Self-tapping screws

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
在线自动称重机| AVENTICS气动元件| COPD模型| 电磁流量计| 防泄漏透明双层软连接| JH(建华)| 管片螺栓厂家| 设备配套吸尘器| 南京抖音推广| 眩光测试| 液压拧扣机| 开心哈乐儿童乐园| 起重机械| 活性氧消毒剂| 家具烤漆房| 高压氮气减压器| 管道疏通机| KIT便携式土壤水分仪| 淮北| JB电缆| 食品重金属检测仪| 三菱IGBT| 塑料改性造粒机| lng装车撬| 塑料卷轴| 氟橡胶制品| 盖博试验设备| 电动滚筒厂家| 全自动真空包装机| 盐雾试验室试验箱| 中药提取设备厂家| 钼精矿| 碳化硅微粉| 强光光照培养箱| nalgene量筒| 高温蒸汽孔板流量计| 户外水质在线监测微站| ECTEST11PLS电导率测试笔| 往复式给料机| 畜牧业智慧用电监测器| SHELLAB厌氧培养箱|