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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
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  • Contact:Ben Zheng/13826981293 Kerry Lu/13751224830
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • URL:http://www.hycjk.com
Steel has become "green building" breakthrough backbone
Steel has become "green building" breakthrough backbone In order to improve the evaluation of green building standards and reward system, and promote the healthy development of the green building industry, the beginning of this year, the new "green...
Steel into the
Steel into the "first mile" Nowadays, with the macro into the new normal, construction enterprises generally felt the impact of fluctuations in the economy, in the increasingly fierce competition in the industry, construction and resource-intensive ...
Foshan Steel: Steel construction and other advocates to carry out "eat steel" industry
Foshan Steel: Steel construction and other advocates to carry out "eat steel" industry At present, China is facing the steel overcapacity, atmospheric haze serious problem, National People's Congress, Vice President Federation of Returned Overseas C...
The interpretation of low-carbon steel construction Legend
The interpretation of low-carbon steel construction Legend Science and technology has become increasingly sophisticated steel structures to maximize their advantages to promote effective protection. Compared with conventional reinforced concrete str...
Leading steel prices fell steel anti profits surge
Leading steel prices fell steel anti profits surge Steel plate movements magnificent, but the brokerage researcher lamented "the people have been scattered." Recently, the China Iron and Steel Association (CISA said under) released statistics in 20...
Steel city help to get rid of "junk Besieged City"
Steel city help to get rid of "junk Besieged City"     In recent years, China has accelerated the process of urbanization, the development of the construction industry has been driving in the fast lane. However, stealing down, po...
Steel industry is expected to remain low
Steel industry is expected to remain low Mining giant collective cut costs increase Yan Bin, president of either Rio Tinto China, yesterday said publicly that this year will further cut costs $ 750 million. In addition, will continue to increase in...
Steel to be a campaign of energy saving
Steel to be a campaign of energy saving "vanguard" Since May 26 this year, the State Council issued "2014-2015 energy saving low-carbon development action plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Program") since, in the face of clear and further stren...
Steel building "just be" big corporate turnaround or Gang "engine"
Steel building "just be" big corporate turnaround or Gang "engine" Recently, the vice president of the China Iron and Steel Industry Association, Wang Qi in the "2014 high-strength steel and steel reinforcement application seminar" on that "steel bo...
Ice and Snow World managing the park closed two steel landscape be preserved
Ice and Snow World managing the park closed two steel landscape be preserved 1, the reporter learned from the Harbin Cultural Tourism Group, due to warmer weather, higher temperatures, in order to ensure the safety of tourists, the Harbin Ice and Sn...
Steel construction help shed advantage in popularity, change battle
Steel construction help shed advantage in popularity, change battle Recently, the National shantytowns exchange of experience will be held in the header. A shed housing a large number of poor people into the building, "worry Habitat" change "livable...
Growth of steel industry in the public parking lots
Growth of steel industry in the public parking lots The second half of 2014, Dalian Railway Station North Square dimensional mechanical parking project was started, kicked off in Dalian large public parking lots construction. An urban parking facil...
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Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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