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Steel city help to get rid of "junk Besieged City"

Time:[2015-3-7]  Hits:5144

Steel city help to get rid of "junk Besieged City"

    In recent years, China has accelerated the process of urbanization, the development of the construction industry has been driving in the fast lane. However, stealing down, pour strong construction waste was not uncommon event, "construction waste Rising" has become a critical problem plagued urban development. Secretary-General of China Liu Wanzhong Steel Association said that the development of China's construction industry, just to stay on the extensive mode of production, and only stepped out of the traditional mode of concrete buildings, promote green steel construction, in order to break the "construction waste Fortress Besieged" dilemma.

Ministry statistics show that in 2012 China will only produce 1.5 billion tons of construction waste. It is understood that 10,000 tons of construction waste should take up 2.5 acres of land, this calculation, China's annual construction waste will be an area of ​​37.5 hectares, while the West Lake in Hangzhou, covering about 9750 acres. Rough count, only in 2012, China's annual output of construction waste can be landfilled 38 West. Vice President Hangxiao Sui believes that "mass production, mass consumption and mass disposal" This does not meet the traditional architectural model has been the development needs and must be changed. Changing breakthrough lies in the promotion of steel construction.

As the "Domestic steel first person", Hangxiao helm, chairman briefed reporters single silver wood, prefabricated steel building forms, to maximize the conservation of resources. In the United States, Japan and other developed countries, the steel construction area of ​​more than 40% of the total floor area, while in China the ratio is less than 5%.

"Compared with the concrete house, with steel, metal as the main raw material of steel construction, a distinct advantage in the recovery of raw materials." Vice President Hangxiao Sui introduced the use of prefabricated steel building construction mode, even if they are demolished also had higher recovery, eliminate "construction waste Rising" from the roots.

Although steel building a huge advantage, but because of limited domestic steel industry awareness, many people mistakenly think that steel "high cost", which hindered the promotion of steel construction. It is understood that, as a domestic industrial green building integration specialists and leaders Hangxiao, through a series of technological innovations and building standards, will significantly reduce the cost of residential steel, steel construction for future large-scale replication within the commercial housing industry promotion the feasibility of providing. The next ten years, with Hangxiao represented by steel companies, will build a green building, the development of recycling economy, leading the construction of the whole industry chain transformation plays an important role.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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