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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
  • Fax:0757-81196682
  • Contact:Ben Zheng/13826981293 Kerry Lu/13751224830
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • URL:http://www.hycjk.com
Guangzhou Steel teach you: the construction of fire-resistant structure function analysis
Guangzhou Steel teach you: the construction of fire-resistant structure function analysis Structure and components temperature fieldThe higher the temperature, the more severe deterioration of the material features, temperature field structure and c...
Guangzhou Steel News: Shenzhen Steel Construction "safety education Experience Pavilion" Enable
Guangzhou Steel News: Shenzhen Steel Construction "safety education Experience Pavilion" Enable Yesterday by a Limited independent planning, development, manufacture, installation of "safety education Experience Hall" in Shenzhen headquarters bu...
Guangzhou Steel News: Olympic main stadium steel construction schedule more than half
Guangzhou Steel News: Olympic main stadium steel construction schedule more than half Afternoon, in Yichang City Olympic workers to operate heavy construction equipment were the main stadium roof installation. Currently, Yichang Olympic main stadium...
Guangzhou Steel News: Fabricated steel construction field three local norms issued
Guangzhou Steel News: Fabricated steel construction field three local norms issued     Provide a strong guarantee for the construction of new industrialization     Along with increasing scarcity of resources,...
Guangzhou Steel News:
Guangzhou Steel News: "building block" type steel construction with local normsWith the development of the housing industry, industrial production, such as "building blocks", as more and more high-rise buildings assembled. Reporters on the 4th learne...
Guangzhou Steel remind you: slab steel welding crack control measures
Guangzhou Steel remind you: slab steel welding crack control measures  Guangzhou Steel slab steel member is large, plate thickness, weld deposit large, complex nodes, residual stress, prone to crack, affecting the quality of welding, which is i...
Guangzhou Steel News: inorganic anti-corrosion coatings for construction steel market to prove safety
Guangzhou Steel News: inorganic anti-corrosion coatings for construction steel market to prove safety     Guangzhou Steel news: In today's architectural design of the building was used more and more as a skeleton of steel structu...
Guangzhou Steel News: CAEXPO main stadium steel project completed
Guangzhou Steel News: CAEXPO main stadium steel project completed "Peacock" On screen faceless Recently, the 2015 CAEXPO main venue - the Kunming International Convention and Exhibition Center project steel construction has been all over, June 1 to ...
Guangzhou Steel News: Steel's first joint construction of the bridge is progressing well
Guangzhou Steel News: Steel's first joint construction of the bridge is progressing well Recently, in Shanghai Jinsha River Road, near the construction site of NGS 118 Plaza, a 23 m-long bridge segments are slowly lifted large and steadily good loca...
Guangzhou Steel News: Steel Party members and cadres to visit Stone Courtyard corruption education base
Guangzhou Steel News: Steel Party members and cadres to visit Stone Courtyard corruption education base  Guangzhou Steel News: In order to carry out a solid first 16 months clean government publicity and education activities, strengthen anti-co...
Guangzhou Steel News: slab steel welding crack control measures
Guangzhou Steel News: slab steel welding crack control measures    A large slab of steel components, steel thick weld deposit large, complex nodes, residual stress, prone to crack, affecting the quality of welding, which is important ...
Guangzhou Steel News: No smoking indoors or in Guangzhou
Guangzhou Steel News: No smoking indoors or in Guangzhou Informed yesterday Baiyun District food industry to expand the tobacco control law enforcement inspection, a total of two illegal smokers fine, give two food companies warning penalty. Guangzh...
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Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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