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Guangzhou Steel News: inorganic anti-corrosion coatings for construction steel market to prove safety

Time:[2015-6-3]  Hits:4798

Guangzhou Steel News: inorganic anti-corrosion coatings for construction steel market to prove safety

    Guangzhou Steel news: In today's architectural design of the building was used more and more as a skeleton of steel structures, steel structures are made of steel as a material component of the force structure. Guangzhou Steel housing according to their light weight, low cost base for soft ground, easy to install, fast construction period is short, fast return on investment, less pollution of the environment construction, seismic performance and other comprehensive advantages and attention of all parties. Supporting the introduction of normative standards related to steel to create a good material and technical basis. Foreign steel in construction has become so widespread, common in the construction of high-rise buildings, large public buildings, stadiums, arenas, theaters, etc., the load-bearing steel skeleton are basically based. But Beijing Hua Wei Sheng Zhi experts pointed out that anti-corrosion coatings, steel corrosion, but severely restricts the development and application of steel structure, the corrosion protection of steel structures and processing has become more critical and important.

    Guangzhou Steel want to prevent corrosion of the steel structure is necessary to first understand the reasons of corrosion, corrosion of steel at room temperature is most electrochemical corrosion. Steel use in normal atmosphere, steel by atmospheric moisture, oxygen and other contaminants and corrosion. Atmospheric relative humidity at 60% or less, corrosion of steel is very slight; but when the relative humidity increases to a certain value, the degree of corrosion of steel increasing rapidly, we call this value as the critical humidity. Hua Wei Sheng Zhi anti-corrosion coating lab found trace at room temperature, the humidity is generally critical of steel is 60% to 70%. When the air is polluted or salt air in coastal areas, the critical humidity is very low, the steel surface is easy to form a water film. At this point slag and untreated clean rust layer as a cathode, an anode steel member occurs in the water film electrochemical corrosion. Atmospheric moisture adsorbed water film is formed on the surface of the steel caused by corrosion of steel determinants; relative humidity levels in the atmosphere and pollutants are important factors affecting the degree of atmospheric corrosion.

    Can establish long-term preservation of high-tech, cost-effective, convenient construction of building steel construction steel anti-corrosion coating system for life has a decisive role, Guangzhou Steel Co., Ltd. is dedicated to architectural and industrial coatings development and production of green environment-friendly enterprises, waterborne anti-corrosion coating is the top priority of its development. ZS-711's production of inorganic anti-corrosion coatings, is widely used in the pre-military applications to improve and derived heavy-duty coatings, divided into two types ①, gray inorganic anti-corrosion coatings, the main function is an electrochemical corrosion, which is antistatic corrosion, used in corrosive environments PH4.5 above; ② black inorganic anti-corrosion coatings, the main function is acid and alkali, extensive application conditions, high coating hardness. ZS-711 inorganic corrosion paint using the world's latest anti-corrosion technology research synthesis ,, the paint film-forming solution is composed of an inorganic polymer forming solution chelating new special Wei Sheng Zhi Hua, has been silicon group -Si-O-Si- bond is foundation, grafting organic alkyl side chains as his assistant, and then have a hydroxyl-terminated chain chelated corrosion film-forming material, the key to a hydroxyl group on the silicon atom is connected chelate, alkyl ternary good synergies, stable solution strong, reducing the impact on the polymer inside the film-forming material more compact, strong adhesion, high temperature, the temperature can reach 500 ℃. Anticorrosive painted membrane solution chelated ZS-711 successfully developed inorganic anti-corrosion paint, anti-corrosion paint points to avoid the traditional low, medium, face complicated construction process, a single coat paint, depending on the operating conditions, brushing 2 times or It is two times or more.

    After forming solution and an inorganic polymer chelating anticorrosive pigments highly activated form of paints and coatings and surface material atom or ion rapid response object combine to make the ZS-711 coating generate a physical, chemical, electronic triple protective effect, by a chemical bond, ionic bond with the substrate surface strongly bound. For physical corrosion of steel, chemical resistance, electrical corrosion are well protected matrix effects, and paint environmental pollution, long life and corrosion resistance than the international level, in line with environmental requirements become new generation of high-tech products, the new inorganic polymer anti-corrosion coating to protect iron and steel has become the most common and most important of paint.

    As science and technology continue to improve, as people continue to demand product quality, along with the continuous generation of high-tech equipment in the enterprise, with the improvement of people's environmental awareness, steel use in life will be increasingly The more extensive, so the steel corrosion and maintenance will be even more important, no doubt inorganic coating use and promotion, will certainly improve the quality of the project and the promotion of steel construction building to enhance the level.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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