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How to improve the installation accuracy of steel structure workshop

Time:[2021-12-1]  Hits:2012

In the construction industry, with the use of steel structure plant more and more popular, steel plant production, transportation and installation of technology more and more attention, but also by the rapid development and continuous improvement. How to further improve the steel structure of the production and installation of precision and reduce costs, is placed in front of a steel structure plant industry issues. Now the relevant national norms and industry standards have been made in this regard a lot of provisions, from the parts to the completion of each step of the proposed requirements.
From the consideration of improving the installation precision of the steel structure workshop, some important problems and specific control methods which must be paid attention to in the production, transportation and installation are analyzed and summarized. Is to initiate exchanges with peers.
Manufacture and Transportation Control of Steel Structure
Therefore, it is necessary to accurately grasp the straightness and distortion such as the steel column, the connecting hole of the column and the beam to the column, and the column to the column to the column. The distance between the base plate, the machining precision of the connecting hole itself, the straightness of the roof beam and the machining precision of the column and beam connecting plate, the position size of the tie rod or supporting connecting plate on the beam column relative to the beam column itself, Wait.

Steel structure plant to find the Foshan Shengbang steel structure, Shengbang steel structure specializing in the production of steel plant, warehouse, logistics center, gymnasium, hangar, steel supermarket, high-rise building steel, container houses and other steel structure. Shengbang Steel currently has large-scale steel structure production equipment and automatic spraying production line, to meet the needs of different customers. Products sold to the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe, South America, more than 30 countries and regions.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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