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Why choose steel structure

Time:[2021-8-4]  Hits:2271

1. Strength, beauty and design freedom: steel structure provides architects with more design freedom in color, texture and shape. It combines strength, durability, aesthetics, precision and ductility, providing architects with a wider range of parameters to explore ideas and develop new solutions. The long span capacity of steel produces large open spaces without intermediate columns or load-bearing walls. It can bend to a certain radius and create piecewise curves or free-form combinations for exterior walls, arches or domes to make it different. Under strictly controlled conditions, it is completed in the factory according to the most stringent specifications, the final results of steel are more predictable and repeatable, and the risk of on-site variability is eliminated.

2. Fast, efficient and resourceful: steel structures can be assembled quickly and effectively in any season. Components shall be prefabricated off-site with minimum labor on site. The whole framework can be built in a few days rather than weeks. Compared with on-site construction, the construction time is reduced by 20% to 40%, depending on the scale of the project. For single dwellings, in more challenging locations, steel usually allows fewer points of contact with the earth, reducing the amount of excavation required. Compared with other frame materials such as concrete, the weight of steel structure is lighter, which makes the foundation smaller and simpler. These execution efficiencies translate into considerable resource efficiency and economic benefits, including accelerating project progress, reducing site management costs and earlier return on investment.

3. Strong adaptability and easy access: Nowadays, the functions of buildings may change greatly and rapidly. Tenants may wish to make changes that significantly increase the floor load. Walls may need to be repositioned to create new interior layouts based on different needs and space usage. The steel structure can adapt to this change. Non composite steel beams can be combined with existing floors, and cover plates are added to the beams to increase strength. Beams and beams can be easily strengthened and supplemented with additional frames, and even repositioned to support changing loads. The steel frame and floor system also allows easy access to and changes to existing wires, computer network cables and communication systems.

4. Fewer columns, more open space: steel structure provides an elegant, cost-effective way to span long distances. The extended steel span can create large, open and column free internal space. Many customers now require column grid spacing of more than 15 meters. In single storey buildings, rolled beams provide a clear span of more than 50 meters. Truss or lattice structures can extend to 150 meters. Minimizing the number of columns makes it easier to subdivide and customize spaces. Steel structure buildings are generally more adaptable and have greater potential for transformation over time, thus prolonging the service life of the structure.

5. Infinite circulation: when the steel structure building is demolished, its components can be reused or recycled to the closed-loop recycling system of the iron and steel industry for melting and reuse. Steel can be recycled indefinitely without loss of properties. Nothing is wasted. Steel saves the use of natural raw materials because about 30% of new steel is now made of recycled steel.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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