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Application examples of steel structure industrial workshop

Time:[2020-12-11]  Hits:3656

Application of Electromechanical Anti-seismic in Steel Structure Industrial Factory


In industrial plants, there are public utility pipelines installed for factory process production; such as water supply and drainage, fire fighting system, steam pipeline, hot water pipeline and gas pipeline system, etc. The electromechanical piping of the steel structure industrial plant is complicated.

The installation design and construction of the seismic support of the steel structure industrial plant are complex, and there are many difficulties in the rooting of the steel structure. Through the design calculation of the seismic support and the on-site structure characteristics, the cross-professional electromechanical pipeline seismic support and the single system electromechanical pipeline seismic support are designed. The steel structure is rooted with beams Clamp the channel steel to take root.



In the steel structure industrial plant, according to the "Code for Seismic Design of Building Electrical and Mechanical Engineering GB50981-2104", if there are seismic support designs in different mechanical and electrical pipeline categories:
When the water supply, hot water and fire-fighting pipelines are rigidly connected, the maximum distance between seismic supports and hangers is 12.0m laterally and 24.0m longitudinally. When flexible connecting metal pipelines, non-metallic pipelines and composite pipelines, the maximum distance between seismic supports and hangers is 6.0m laterally and 12.0m longitudinally.

Multi-storey buildings in areas with degrees 8 and below can be selected according to the current national standard "Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage" GB 50015. The main pipes and risers of high-rise buildings and buildings in areas with 9 degrees should be copper pipes and stainless steel pipes , Metal composite pipes and other pipelines with high strength and good ductility, the connection method can be pipe connection or welding.



When the cable tray is made of rigid material, the maximum distance between seismic supports and hangers is 12.0m laterally and 24.0m longitudinally.

For rigidly connected horizontal pipes, the allowable longitudinal offset value between two adjacent seismic supports and hangers: the wire casing shall not exceed 1/16 of the maximum lateral support and hanger spacing, and the cable ladder, cable tray and cable trough box shall not More than twice its width.

Tray type, trough type, step type, glass anticorrosive and flame retardant cable tray or steel ordinary type cable tray can be selected according to the on-site environment and technical requirements. Covers should be added in environments where dust is easy to accumulate and other needs to be covered or outdoor places.



In the construction industry, as the use of steel structure workshops is becoming more and more popular, more and more attention has been paid to the production, transportation and installation technology of steel structure workshops, and at the same time, rapid development and continuous improvement have been achieved.

Keeping pace with the times, we are committed to the steel structure energy-saving construction industry, and we are willing to cooperate with all sectors of society to create a green and environmentally friendly future.


Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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