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Basic structure and R & D skills of steel structure company

Time:[2020-11-3]  Hits:2589

Steel structure is mainly used in heavy-duty plant, dynamic load plant structure, plate and shell structure, high-rise TV Tower and mast structure, bridge warehouse and other large-span structure, high-rise and super high-rise building load-bearing frame. In addition, new types of section steel, such as H-section steel (also known as wide flange section steel), T-section steel and profiled steel sheet, should be rolled to meet the needs of long-span structures and super high-rise buildings. Steel structure is divided into light steel and heavy steel.


Steel structure company is mainly steel structure, which is one of the main types of building structure. Steel has the characteristics of high strength, light weight and high stiffness, which is especially suitable for building large-span, super-high and super heavy buildings; the material is uniform and isotropic, which is an ideal elastic body and conforms to the basic assumption of general engineering mechanics; the steel structure material has good plasticity and toughness, large deformation, and can better bear dynamic load; the construction period is short; the industrialization is short; the steel structure can be specialized It can be used to build gas tank, oil tank and transformer. Its disadvantage is poor fire resistance and corrosion resistance.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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