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Causes and maintenance methods of water leakage in steel canopy

Time:[2020-9-23]  Hits:2525

Steel canopy is mainly to provide shelter from rain and sun for vehicles. Nanjing steel awning is also widely used in industrial plants, schools, shopping malls and other public places. We can often see all kinds of awnings for parking bicycles and electric cars. Of course, there are also private awnings for cars. As an awning, the most important thing is to have good rainproof performance, which is also a special concern of customers. Once the canopy leakage is found, the construction party is often required to carry out maintenance.


So why the steel canopy leakage, and how to minimize the damage, this needs to find the crux of the leakage. Generally speaking, there are two main factors for rain leakage of steel canopy. One is caused by human factors, which can be avoided in construction; the other is caused by the characteristics of materials, which can not be avoided generally, and can only be maintained afterwards.


From the perspective of human factors, the leakage of steel canopy is nothing more than unreasonable design, nonstandard construction and installation, and careless operation of construction personnel. Unreasonable design is mainly manifested in the following aspects: for example, the roof curvature is too large or the slope is too slow, the water flow speed is slow, resulting in ponding, the diameter of the downpipe does not meet the requirements, the panel selection is improper, and the joint design of the edge closing and gutter is unreasonable; in the construction and installation, the improper joint treatment, the connection is not careful, the waterproof materials are not in place, the edge sealing glue is not tight, and the screw installation is not careful, which will lead to the unreasonable design The canopy cracked and leaked. So we need to find a more professional steel structure company to build. For example, "Suzhou Hengguang Steel Structure Engineering Co., Ltd." is quite good.


There are also hidden dangers of water leakage due to material characteristics, such as the large thermal conductivity of the metal plate itself. When the external temperature changes greatly, the material shrinkage deformation caused by the temperature change will produce large displacement at the interface, resulting in water leakage; in the steel structure system, due to the temperature change, wind load, snow load and other external forces, the structure itself is easy to produce elastic deformation, resulting in displacement at the joint, resulting in water leakage.


In order to solve the problem of rain leakage of steel structure canopy, the roof slope, plate type and other factors should be comprehensively considered in the design process, and the best scheme should be obtained; in the construction process, the construction specifications should be strictly observed, and the roof cracks should be carefully reduced; the climate characteristics of the building area should be fully considered, and the waterproof measures and materials suitable for the area should be taken; according to the characteristics of materials, the roof can be laid A layer of sealing belt with strong adhesion, good tracking performance and good weather resistance is used as waterproof material for supporting metal roof panel.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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