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How to do the deck of the steel structure sandwich floor in Foshan?

Time:[2019-1-16]  Hits:4311

Steel structure interlayer can be used differently for different building structures. Interlayer is a kind of steel structure attic and steel structure interlayer. Its main purpose is to improve the use of space area. The bearing capacity of the original structure is the primary foundation for deciding which method to build steel structure interlayer. The weight of the steel structure frame is light, but the weight of the whole supporting slab will increase when it is used together, so the weight of the whole structure will increase accordingly. It is necessary to pay attention to the selection of supporting slab devices when building steel structure interlayer.

Floor deck can be divided into steel structure cement pressure Slab Composite floor. This kind of floor deck is low cost, light weight and short construction period, but it can not be effectively dealt with by sound insulation and noise reduction. In the later stage, it is also necessary to stop the treatment of sound insulation and noise reduction. The steel structure concrete composite floor has the characteristics of high safety, high load, no tremor, good sound insulation effect, long construction period and self-seriousness, which can be applied to different span buildings. Steel structure light floor composite slab, this structure has high security, high strength, floor is not easy to deform, construction is fast, short period, can maximize the application of space area. Steel structural steel plate composite floor, which is suitable for industrial plant, workshop and other buildings, has good load-bearing effect, cumbersome construction, and can bear heavy equipment.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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