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What are the advantages of steel structure curtain wall

Time:[2018-8-1]  Hits:4054

There are many uses of steel structure, such as the building of factory buildings, villas, and some places even use steel structure instead of concrete to do residential buildings. Steel structures also have great achievements in building curtain walls. So what are the advantages of the steel curtain wall? Foshan steel structure company, Sheng Bang tells you:
1. there are many forms of curtain walls to be adopted, and the construction technology is mature and flexible.
2., it will not be affected by the structure of the main body, and has strong adaptability.
3., it has good insulation, noise and other effects, sealing is also strong.
4. installation is easy, and many components can be directly completed in the factory.
Foshan steel structure believes that steel structure curtain wall, as one of the new curtain walls, has advantages in price.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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