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Foshan steel construction in the winter how to ensure safety?

Time:[2016-11-23]  Hits:3907

As we all know, when the steel structure in the construction have a certain risk, especially in the winter when the risk is greater, then how do we Foshan steel construction in the winter to ensure safety when it?

First, in Foshan steel construction in winter when the weather in recent days to understand the weather forecast to be able to weather the time to do a good job protective measures to check the construction of winter safety measures, in particular the focus of the part to see if there are illegal acts, In the winter construction, the project department should strengthen the safety management, the appropriate requirements of the construction personnel to strictly install the operating norms, to take effective technical measures to eliminate safety hazards, to avoid accidents, so that the construction can be safe

Second, in the winter when the construction, gas welding, gas cutting equipment must be put in the winter construction, because the oxygen contains a certain amount of water, oxygen bottles after use, if placed in the outdoors, mouth bottle easy to freeze at freezing pressure Table insensitive, open flame when the explosion, the use of the time prone to safety accidents

Therefore, the Foshan steel construction in the winter when the construction must be taken in strict accordance with the measures carried out, Foshan Steel Construction to find wins state steel structure

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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