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How to ensure the completion of steel structure project on time

Time:[2016-11-9]  Hits:4703

   The construction of a steel structure, completed within the specified period is a commitment to the enterprise, but to ensure the completion of this task, it must not be a good commander. So today by the Guangzhou Steel Company commander to share with you more.
       1, in the construction of the total duration as the goal to stage control plan to ensure the use of effective internal and external conditions for enterprises to take dynamic management to make the construction of a scientific and rational organization to ensure that the plan on schedule or ahead of schedule.
        2, fully prepared before the start of the preparatory work.
        3, conscientiously do a good job in the drawings of the trial work will be found in the technical settlement to resolve, to avoid the construction due to design changes and delay the construction period, the timely preparation of practical construction design and construction of major sub-project construction design for continuous construction operations to provide reliable guarantee .
        4, daily production scheduling meeting, daily inspection, if any delay by increasing labor force measures in time to solve the human, machinery, material supply and other problems timely coordination by the company to solve.
       5, the last is the most important, internal and external communication and coordination.
      How to ensure that steel works completed on schedule, the above is given today to share. Want to learn more, Shengbang Guangzhou Steel Structure Company welcomes you!
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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