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What are the advantages of using Macao 's steel structure for housing?

Time:[2016-11-7]  Hits:4812

    With the continuous development of the city, in Dongguan, this place has been a lot of old buildings were transformed to Macao steel structure housing to replace the housing in the past, has become the new era of the safest, most environmentally friendly buildings. So what are the advantages of such housing? Not to mention its advantages are quite a lot.
     1, in line with the requirements of the industrialization of housing and sustainable development, suitable for mass production of factories, industrialization, commercialization of a high degree.
     2, its bearing strength is high, seismic performance is superior.
     3, low overall cost: the basis of the project cost in a larger proportion of the upper structure of light weight can reduce the basis of cost, thereby reducing the entire project investment.
      4, it can be a reasonable layout of the function range: it can use the characteristics of high strength steel, the use of large openings between the column network layout, the building plane is flexible, both for the architects of the design of the leeway, but also to the user according to different purposes The possibility of changing the structure is very large.
       In short, the advantages of Macao's steel housing is very much, more than four points, want to know more knowledge, so stay tuned!
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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