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Steel structure is damaged, why?

Time:[2016-10-28]  Hits:4689

    Although the use of steel in the construction of a long life, but also a longer life span has been damaged when, specifically, for what reason? Following Dongguan Steel Company to share and share.
        1, components due to a variety of unexpected deformation, disability, distortion, depression, resulting in weakened cross-section components, rod warpage, connection cracking;
        (2) The bearing capacity of the structure is insufficient due to the change of load, overtime service, norm and procedure change;
        3, due to the corrosion of chemical substances and corrosion caused by electrochemical corrosion weakened the cross-section of steel structure;
        4, the temperature difference caused by the component or connection deformation, cracking and warping;
        5, some other design, production, production, construction errors caused.
        This is the steel structure of Dongguan today to share some small knowledge, more knowledge of the steel structure, and interested friends, please continue to follow our follow-up update!
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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