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After the completion of the steel structure how to carry out inspection work

Time:[2016-10-24]  Hits:4184

    After the completion of the steel structure, then we must carry out inspection work, and we should do to ensure the integrity of the acceptance work? The following steel companies in Shenzhen to do simple to share:
       1, to ensure that the project is to ensure the safety of the project or use an important inspection items. Regardless of the quality rating of qualified or excellent, must all meet the requirements of the required indicators. For different sub-projects, to ensure that the content of the project to ensure that the project only to meet, no fine, qualified points.
        2, the basic project is to ensure the safety of the project or the use of the basic functions of the test items, the indicators points "qualified" and "good" two, is to assess the quality of sub-project an important condition.
        3, to allow the deviation of the project is a sub-project inspection of the provisions of the scope of the project allows the deviation. Inspection and assessment of a small number of points allowed to measure the value of slightly more than the allowable deviation range.
         The above is the summary of the completion of the steel structure of the acceptance of work, if you want to know more or want to purchase, please call!
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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