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Steel structure in the use of how to do maintenance work

Time:[2016-10-14]  Hits:4289


  Tall building in the cover when the steel structure of this kind of material, and then we use these steel structure at the same time, its maintenance also need to pay attention, or it will affect its appearance and service life. Specifically how to do maintenance, today, Dongguan Steel Company Xiaobian to share about.
     1, if the steel structure used for about three years time, we have to do with a paint maintenance, so as to enhance its beauty and safety.
     2, in the use of time, pay attention to do a good job of anti-power, fire, trunking line isolation, such as what wire to use, in order to avoid electric shock accident.
     3, for the whole project, from the perspective of the owners, can not change the structure without permission, can not disassemble any bolt and other components, because the owners because the one hand, not professional, on the other hand will bring some Security risks, so if you really want to change, it is best to find professional manufacturers to adjust the master. 4, in our usual use, the best of its regular cleaning and maintenance, the normal use of the case once a year inspection and maintenance, usually clean, please find professional cleaning supplies, do not use steel balls and other cleaning appliances, or Will bring to the steel structure is a damage.
      Steel structure for the maintenance of knowledge, today's steel companies to share here in Dongguan, hoping to help a little busy.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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