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Zhuhai Hong Kong and Macao Bridge through the main body, a lot of steel output

Time:[2016-9-28]  Hits:4837

    According to the Macau Steel Structure Company reported that the world's longest and most sophisticated bridge construction, China's Zhuhai-Hong Kong and Macao Bridge yesterday, the main bridge has been through all, which means that this is known as the 21st century bridge construction miracle of the bridge The completion of the opening, and then the mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, three places back and forth on a more choice, which can also promote economic and interaction between the role.

    It is reported that the construction of the bridge, bringing together a number of domestic enterprises, the main bridge = construction enterprises, as well as a number of central enterprises have invested a lot of effort on the bridge project, intended to create a stunning bridge to the world building. According to the data, the whole bridge can resist 16 strong typhoons, 8 earthquakes and 300,000 tons of the wheel collision, we can imagine the quality of this bridge and the design of the exquisite.

    In the bridge above the bridge is the most comfortable, not only to see the endless sea, but also to see a wide range of marine ecosystems, the scene also appeared dolphins play in the sea play, so for the drivers on the way , Is not a very comfortable and very relaxing environment.

    At the same time the bridge also uses part of the steel structures, mainly with steel and even more than the National Stadium "Bird's Nest" of steel 10 times, while the famous French landmark Eiffel Tower steel 60 times, Reaching 420,000 tons. Which for the Macao Steel Company and some other domestic steel companies, is undoubtedly an encouragement.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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