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Ministry of Transport stated, vigorously promote the construction of steel bridges

Time:[2016-8-10]  Hits:4606

    Foshan Steel gives news, No. 1, the Ministry of Transport issued "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Steel Bridge Road" and building the whole "Thirteen Five" in the planning and construction Finally, to develop and promote the Steel Bridge in , some of the new bridge, Bridge, etc., will be the main steel structure.

    Factors overall quality management and maintenance, construction cost and other aspects of the feasibility of the program depends on the requirements of highway bridge engineering, and comprehensive consideration of the bridge, to strengthen steel bridge quality improvement, whether on land or at sea, to have a stable steel properties and can withstand the test, such as earthquakes and other natural disasters, steel bridge seismic strength of not less than seven.

    Currently the high voice of business in steel bridges, but also compared the feasibility of steel bridges, in some areas, the use of steel bridge has received a very significant results. In the coming days, the various provinces and cities will be pilot projects in steel bridges, and gradually promote the use of steel for Foshan, is also an unlimited development opportunities.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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