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Three kinds of steel space truss construction method Guangzhou

Time:[2016-7-13]  Hits:3745

Guangzhou Steel grid construction, there are three methods, namely, high-altitude assembly method, the overall installation method, sliding method altitude. Here Guangzhou Steel Xiaobian you explain.

First, the high-altitude assembly method. Steel truss assembly is the use of high-altitude installation, the location where the design erection bracket assembly, and then use a crane to grid member sub-element air hanging to the design position, but the amount of the bracket assembly method is very large, high-altitude work more. This method is more suitable for high-strength steel truss bolted or bolt ball node.

Second, the overall installation method. It will be assembled into a whole grid on the ground, then lifting equipment to upgrade its entire design of the place is fixed. This construction method altitude less work, less assembly bracket, but also to ensure the quality of welding, which is focused on technical and lifting equipment. Overall installation method spherical joints steel truss apply. For different lifting equipment, installation as a whole is divided into multi-machine method Hoisting method, pull the lever lift-off method, electric screw lifting method.

Third, the high-altitude sliding method. In recent years, high-altitude construction parallel slip more and more, this approach is often more suitable for Guangzhou Steel theaters, auditoriums and other projects. Mostly on the grid auditorium bleachers set up assembly platform Tower, a building element assembly is completed, and then assemble the second unit, and so continue to slip forward assembly, direct access to the entire grid assembly is completed and moved into the place position.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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