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Foshan three steel steel truss construction method

Time:[2016-6-11]  Hits:4478

A high-altitude assembly method
Steel truss assembly method by high-altitude installation, erection is first assembled bracket design position, and then use a crane to grid member sub-element (or block) to the design position hanging in the air, were assembled on the bracket. Sometimes this method does not need large-scale lifting equipment, but the bracket assembly large amount of aerial work more. Therefore, the high strength for steel pipe truss with steel production of steel truss or bolt ball node is more appropriate, there are still a number of steel truss construction method has been applied.

Second, the overall installation method
Overall installation method is to first grid on the ground assembled into a whole, and then lifting equipment designed to enhance its overall position to be fixed. This method of construction without assembling the bracket tall, aerial less easy to ensure the welding quality, but requires a large crane lifting equipment, technology is more complex. Therefore, this method of spherical joints steel grid (especially three-grid and other bars more grid) is more appropriate. Depending on the equipment used, the overall installation method is divided into multi-machine Hoisting method, pull the lever to enhance the law, law and jack lifting jack lifting method.

Third, the high-altitude sliding method
In recent years, the use of aerial roof truss construction by parallel sliding gradually increased, it is especially suitable for theaters, auditoriums and other projects. This method of construction, the grid assembly platforms are situated in the building lobby top plate assembly (erection can be assembled on the platform assembly auditorium bleachers), to be the first assembly unit (or first stage) assembly is completed, it is about to fall on the sliding track, traction equipment from sliding forward a certain distance. Then assembled on the platform of the second assembly units (or second), after a good fight, together with the first assembly unit (or first stage) with slip forward, so ask before slipping constantly assembled piecemeal, until the entire grid assembly is completed and moved to place the slide position.

Good slip assembly grid, the grid can be set up under the carriage wheel, the roller slide on the slide rail; also in the grid holder under the seat bottom, so embedded in the bearing plate along the reinforced concrete frame beam embedded steel slide.
Slip grid or lever hoist winch available traction. According to the lever bearing capacity and traction grid size between supports, may be one or more points of traction. When the grid slip ends sync value should not exceed 50mm.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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