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Dongguan, a little steel housing

Time:[2016-6-1]  Hits:4369

Dongguan steel housing refers to the load-bearing beams of steel as a building of residential buildings, according to the height can be divided into low-rise and high-rise steel structure residential steel housing, low-rise steel residential light steel commonly used as raw materials, high-rise residential use heavy steel steel as raw materials to ensure home security, stability. Steel residential housing market as a new force in Building Energy Saving reflect the unique advantage.


Dongguan steel Advantages house:
1, safe and reliable: Residential carrying capacity per unit volume in the steel as the main building material is high, more traditional brick and brick and concrete technology is more stable, more solid, seismic performance of wind resistance, waterproof fire performance to be good, but also has insulation , soundproofing. Steel has good ductility, it can better energy consumption caused by the earthquake, so the seismic performance, high security structure, to ensure the security of the house.

2, the total cost is low: only on cost, the steel housing seems to be a little bit high, but the combination of all the life cycle of the building, energy conservation, environmental protection and other benefits of steel housing, plus steel building material which can be forever recycling, then steel housing cost is not high.

3, convenient construction time is short: This is the biggest difference with the traditional steel structure residential housing, the traditional brick structure to take into account the setting time of concrete problems, and Dongguan steel member is produced in the factory, just to splice these members can be completed, thus greatly reducing the workload at the scene, shorten the construction period, reducing the impact on the surrounding residents, while reducing the pollution of the surrounding environment. According to statistics, the same area of ​​the building, steel concrete structure than can shorten the duration of 1/3, and can save formwork materials.

4, green sustainable: All Apartments have a certain life, usually brick structure housing demolition materials can not be reused, and will generate a lot of garbage pollution. Steel housing can be 100% recycled steel, to achieve recycling, the construction and demolition of less environmental pollution, meet the requirements of the housing industry and sustainable development.

5, rational use of space:
(1) can be reasonably arranged functional groups
The use of high strength steel features large bay design can be so arranged that the building plan can reasonably separated, flexible, creating an open house. The traditional structures (brick and concrete structure, concrete structure) due to the material properties of the spatial arrangement limits the freedom, if the bay is too large, it will cause the plate thickness, high beam, a large column, a "fat fat beam column" phenomenon, not only affects the appearance and weight increase, increase in cost, buyers in the secondary decoration, often due to the change in the wall own position and increase risks.

(2) high utilization of space
In space usage, a small section of steel, reinforced concrete structure with 5% -8% increase compared to the effective floor area. In the architectural style, but also more flexible steel building rich, indoor space division multiple programs to meet the needs of different users. Light weight, shock resistance, have for insulation, waterproofing, insulation, sound insulation features

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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