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How to build steel plant

Time:[2016-5-25]  Hits:4038

The future of our government promoting environmental protection, and vigorously support the development of steel construction.

Foshan steel construction as the main representative of green building in Europe and developed countries have accounted for 40% -50% of the total housing construction area. At present most of the domestic provinces and cities in the proportion of steel building is only about 5%.

Foshan steel building steel structure system based force structure to lightweight construction materials for the building envelope system, higher compared to the traditional brick and concrete structure building, technical level, but also more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. According to the estimates show that, compared to traditional brick and concrete structure housing, steel housing can be water-saving 76%, saving 15%, saving wood 77%, increase the use of an area of ​​5-8%. At the same time, 90% of the steel can be recycled steel building construction site construction waste and sewage is basically zero emissions.

Foshan Steel technology can not only improve the quality of construction, promote the construction industry upgrade, the steel industry will also resolve the problem of overcapacity. Currently used reinforced concrete steel per square meter to about 50 kilograms per square meter of steel and steel building is up to 150 kg. An annual increase of about 2 billion square meters of the building, if the future use of steel construction ratio reached the level of developed countries, which accounted for 40% -50%, the annual total amount of construction steel will increase from 80 million to 100 million tons . At present, China's steel enterprises total annual capacity of about 10 million tonnes, it is about 300 million tons of idle capacity. If you can increase the amount of 100 million tons of steel, China's steel production capacity idle status will be a greater degree of resolve.

As China's economic, scientific and technological level of steel production and continuous development, promote the use of steel is the trend. Insiders pointed out that currently, in terms of raw material supply steel, steel structure design and development, technical standards, process equipment point of view, or from the social point of view to enhance the awareness of environmental protection, China's steel industry has been the rapid development of the conditions and environment.

Although the steel building itself Foshan obvious advantages, but there are still many difficulties and obstacles severely restrict the promotion and development of steel construction. First, the whole society's awareness of the shortage of steel construction, especially in rural areas, many people also steel housing the same as "makeshift." Secondly, the steel structure fire, anti-corrosion treatment is difficult, resulting in higher costs. On the whole, the cost of steel Foshan 10-20% higher than the cost of conventional concrete structure, which severely restricted the promotion of the use of steel structure residence.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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