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Construction and installation of steel structures virtual simulation process (Figure)

Time:[2016-5-18]  Hits:4365

Construction and installation of steel canopy virtual simulation processes (renderings)
1, 120 tons crawler crane platform canopy will complete the installation of steel columns东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图1
2, the erection of the support frame, lifting the first string truss Pin东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图2
3, lifting the second-Pin Truss - string, and connect with the ball intermediate node东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图3
4, lifting the third string truss Pin东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图4
5, lifting the fourth Pin truss string东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图5
6, between the truss and install GZ2东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图6
7, lifting the fifth string truss Pin东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图7
8, the installation sixth Pin truss string东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图8
9, tie bars and rope hoisting truss structure between东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图9
10, lifting lower Pin String Truss Structure东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图10
11, when mounted to the seventh Pin truss string, remove the first set of truss support11
12, install eighth Pin truss string, remove the second set of truss support东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图12
13, install the ninth Pin truss string, truss demolish the third group东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图13
14. Similarly, the remaining string Truss completed14
15, complete roof structure system, for local cable force trimming, removal of the support frame东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图15
16, steel platform canopy installation东莞钢结构仿真施工安装图16


Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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