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Dongguan steel reinforcement steel floor plate and requirements

Time:[2016-5-18]  Hits:3981

In the era of rapid development of steel structure in Dongguan, Dongguan, steel reinforcement steel floor plate for a lot of people more and more attention, then Dongguan steel floor plate reinforcement there how kind of request? Now, let Foshan Katsukuni explain to everyone under

1, composite slab anisotropic plate, judgment is one-way or two-way plate plate to anisotropic coefficient, calculated according to the effective anisotropy coefficient (conversion) side, according to the effective edge is longer than the judgment one way or the board two-way plate.
2, it is determined way slabs, reinforced with vertical ribs in the direction of the crest, along with the direction of the ribs in the trough, but it should be noted that there should be not less than 20mm protective layer, the protective layer is mainly to ensure the reinforcement of adhesion. Resistance is calculated vertical direction rib thickness as the thickness of the concrete above the ribs, the ribs along the direction from the trough date, the composite slab thickness thickness.
3, the extension of the rib along the direction of the pressure plate (the pressure plate in terms of reinforcement) as normal section bearing capacity to meet the requirements, and to meet the requirements of the shear bond bearing capacity, can not deserve reinforcement along rib direction. Special attention should be calculated shear bond capacity, it is generally a combination of shear bond floor control. "High Steel regulation" does not shear bond calculations, this is negligence.
4, if the calculated way slabs, steel must be configured at the peak, the pressure plate does not have any role in the direction perpendicular to the ribs.

5, the overwhelming majority of unidirectional composite slab plate, very special, such as corner boards may be two-way, because there is generally oblique beam span is very small, not calculated according to other parts of the same basic configuration to meet.
6, the top rib distribution must meet GB50010 requirements.

7, along the direction of the beam at the support rib is continuous or articulated, it does not depend on the pressure plate, but on the negative moment steel, pressure plate pressure is negligible. Vertical rib direction generally considered to be articulated, but it should be configured cracking structural reinforcement.

8, Dongguan composite slab steel studs are not required by the composite beam design, but must have a certain structure in order to ensure the integrity of the peg plate and beam.

9, if it is designed to beam, secondary beam is generally calculated by the composite beam, main beam (frame beams) should not be calculated by the bearing capacity of composite beam, since the frame beams bear repeated loads, composite beams no seismic test report - This specification is ignored the, GB50017 and GB50010 different, GB50017 no content seismic. In the case where the main beam load deflection can be checking by the composite beam (if they meet the requirements of composite beams).

10, SPA2000 can be selected directly pressure plate combination plate.

These are steel Foshan Katsukuni we summarize Dongguan steel floor plate reinforcement issues and requirements, hope to help combat, extended reading (Foshan Steel members mainly work)

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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