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Guangzhou steel corrosion paint environment

Time:[2016-4-23]  Hits:4043

Guangzhou steel corrosion paint environment

About Guangzhou by the following steel corrosion paint manufacturers produce safe, Guangzhou Steel Company steel corrosion paint you talk about the use of the environment
1, stated that deserves special anti-corrosion coating, atmospheric area of ​​the marine environment in the steel pipe pile, splash zone, tidal zone located above the average low tide, in alternating wet and dry state, the appearance of salt-rich, high density, for plenty of oxygen and joint action by sunlight and temperature, corrosive environment is very bad, which in the splash zone and tidal zone most obvious, atmospheric zone, followed by the three segments (hereinafter referred to as the three-zone water area) of anti-corrosion coating of the highest demand; immersion zone status appearance contrast, steel pipe pile of the most stable, low oxygen content, temperature and sunlight by smaller, slightly better than the corrosive environment of water area, a relatively low corrosion coatings request .
2 In recent years, anti-corrosion steel structure has been more people pay attention, we all know that if steel or steel construction in a humidified air pollution or environmental impact would be doubled corrosion, chalking final until the end of the life of steel. Just do not think long-term heavy-duty paint retention life, while also taking into account environmental conditions. Heavy anti-corrosion coatings for steel structure to the performance of the best joint performance, aesthetics and environmental protection between. Steel structure supporting the integration of a variety of paint, paint which can be equipped in accordance with the use of the environment and the use of life, resolution.
If you are receiving, the process used in the construction have problems, please contact us, our customer service will give you professional guidance.
If after receipt of the goods found quality problems (non-human) needs to be returned, we confirmed unconditionally accept returns, and in consultation with the parent.
Manufacturers Advantage: manufacturer direct delivery, not to worry about fakes, but also eliminates many intermediate circulation, compared to building materials market in terms of quality and price advantage; Chenguang Chemical paint industry for many years of professional production, marketing, service experience, is the most powerful guarantee the quality of your painting. Chen Xi paints with high solid content, low VOC content, ease of construction, stability and quality of the best-selling domestic industrial coatings market, the northern region is well-known brand of industrial coatings; Chen Xi paints used in many famous projects, manufacturers. Details for Guangzhou Steel Case.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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