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Guangzhou Steel connection design element method

Time:[2016-4-20]  Hits:3612

Guangzhou Steel connection design element method


Guangzhou Steel member steel connection design which has several methods? Guangzhou Steel industry experts will share valuable experience for everyone ~

  Practical design method, design accurate calculation method, commonly used to simplify the design and method of connecting equal strength design method.

A practical design method is based on the flange is connected to a net cross-sectional area of ​​the same strength spliced ​​connection, and web connections in addition to the effect of shear splice is calculated in the position, but still should be net web sectional area net shear Capacity 1/2 or member ends moment divided by the length of the cross member of the resulting shear is determined.

Second, the accurate calculation method is designed to be connected to the flange and web member proportional share their moment of inertia moment at the cross-section, while shear borne entirely by the web.

Third, the common simplified design method is to assume all the moments by member flange and the web to assume all of the shear splice design.

Fourth, equal strength design method is based on the condition of net cross-sectional area of ​​the flange is connected to the web or the like intensity to stitching. Seismic node design follows the principle of the force in addition to a clear reduction of stress concentration and ease of processing outside the installation, the most important thing is to satisfy the principle of strong weak connection member, to avoid leaving the connection is weak overall structure damage. Purposes strength design method is to make the connection with the carrying capacity of the member connecting member carrying capacity equal to or greater than the component capacity. So equal strength design method is often used to connect structural seismic design or by the design of elastoplastic member stitching design, to ensure the continuity member and have good ductility.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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