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Guangzhou Steel plant with traditional plant What is the difference?

Time:[2016-4-16]  Hits:4665

Guangzhou Steel plant with traditional plant What is the difference?

Our steel plant in Guangzhou is a new house, is a steel structure as the main body, with integrated manner produced, compared to the traditional plant are mainly the following differences:

Guangzhou Steel plant
First, high structural stability, seismic, steel plant load-bearing body made of galvanized steel sheet composition and structure of the keel plate - ribbed wall structure that building good integrity, structure, light weight, can resist earthquakes and typhoons.
Second, due to structural steel plant in Guangzhou full use of CAD design by computer control production, scantlings millimeter accuracy, for the latter part of renovation project to provide a good foundation. Production of industrial architecture for building large-scale, industrial development provides ample space.
Third, build fast, build steel plant in the full realization of the plant and on-site assembly of prefabricated construction, it can achieve high strength after member in place, no intermittent construction technology, improved labor productivity, the members are fully in accordance with the design drawings accurate processing, construction site completely dry operation, a high degree of civilization construction.
Fourth, flexible interior partition, usage rate, a large steel plant span gives us greater freedom of space division, since the thickness of the wall is only one half of the brick structure, so a significant reduction in construction area , use of an area up to 95% compared to traditional construction increased by about 6% -19% of the usable area.
V. Wall Guangzhou Steel plant is composite wall, has a good insulation, heat insulation, sound insulation performance, compared with the plant of reinforced concrete structures more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.


Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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