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Guangzhou Steel anticorrosion Case

Time:[2016-4-6]  Hits:3877

Guangzhou Steel anticorrosion Case


    First, Guangzhou Steel preparation before construction
1, construction, and installation works have been completed and more than curing period, the construction side, construction (installation) party and anti-corrosion construction joint tripartite acceptance, good handover procedures;
2, the construction ventilated spaces adhere to set rain, moisture equipment, set fire ban signs, fire extinguishers;
3, the end of the construction program and technical tests carried out safety and technical education and the necessary technical training;
4, the original data entry, according to the material categories were piled up, good waterproof, moisture-proof equipment, raw materials in line with the approach of construction equipment requirements, and raw materials manufacturer's product data sheet and the technical indicators inspection certificate;
    Second, the appearance of rust steel
    1, before the construction of the Guangzhou Steel steel substrate outer welding slag, burrs, oil and other impurities clear and clean.
2, the use of power tools (angle grinder) combined with hand-rust, at local angle grinder can not remove rust situation, use a wire brush, emery cloth and other tools to remove corrosion products.
    3, no visible grease and dirt after the rust, and is not attached is not strong oxidation, rust and paint coatings and other fixtures.
    Third, the corrosion coatings construction requirements
1, the appearance inspection carried out before construction, steel look clean, clean, descaling achieve the look with no visible oil, dirt, no attachment is not strong oxide and other attachments.
2, in strict accordance with the manufacturer of the information with the data requirements for the deployment of more than paint, coating prior to application to conduct a test, to determine the construction ratio.
3, before using a paint brush, check brush and brush handle is loose. If loose, try reinforcement. Prior to use in addition to the net residual hair brush and dust. Before using a new paint brush with bristles O # emery cloth grinding head back and forth, making grinding mill along Qi.
4, when the operation is generally a straight extrapolation hand thumb, forefinger and middle finger Jinnie lower portion of the brush handle, thumb pinching the front, middle finger and index finger pinching the back. Brush in hand can not loose phenomenon, by the wrist back and forth movement of the paint brush operation, when the painting to be lighter to heavier hand movement, can be equipped with arms and body move when necessary.
5, after first priming sequence, the first left and right, after the first period, after the first segment were mainly minor. Brush the outer vertical, down from last on the paint brush; brush the outer level, and finally a coating according to the irradiation direction of light painting.
6, the time interval between each coat brushing, spacing must be 12 to 24 hours, we need to be on the coating is dried to tack again, and then again under the paint brush work.
7, paint store, construction and drying process, not with acid, alkali and water contact, and should be dust, exposure, smoking.
8, the number of coating meet the design requirements, the surface layer should shun media flow brushing, the appearance of smooth trace, color together, no pinholes, bubbles, flow fall, chalking and breakage.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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