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Guangzhou Steel On Steel waterproof

Time:[2016-3-23]  Hits:4337

Guangzhou Steel On Steel waterproof

Compared with the traditional steel concrete building has its own peculiarities, since Guangzhou steel construction is to use some other building materials of various components, such as sheet-like fight scene in the lap together, which determines the Guangzhou waterproof steel construction mainly to ease the main, supplemented by blocking resistance.
Waterproof material effect on the use of steel in Guangzhou currently used are not very satisfactory and a shorter life expectancy, thus building selection, drainage system, the structural design of steel buildings waterproof design has become a top priority.
Some actual project can ensure or improve the water resistance of steel construction in Guangzhou from the following:
1, building selection, try to use the form of a single roof, the building appears in the ditch to avoid the same side of the ditch also try to avoid the use of external gutter gutter inside. Roofing sheet models according to discharge slope, slope length reasonable choice, small slope, a long slope, then the roof should use high wave plate.
2, drainage system, a reasonable arrangement drainage point, to note that the rainfall intensity in all regions there is a difference, drainage organizational design is to have sufficient theoretical basis, and not subjective feeling.
3, structural measures, first become familiar with the various steel waterproof construction measures practices utilized in practical engineering, waterproofing materials must use the right places.
Finally, in many cases is not leaking steel building design issues, often the construction unit in the construction process caused so strictly control the construction quality is also an important aspect of make steel waterproof.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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