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Steel weld repair

Time:[2016-3-16]  Hits:4064

Steel weld repair

Guangzhou Steel repair before the repair program prepared by the Guangzhou Steel Engineering technical director consent before implementation after approval by the Guangzhou Steel Engineer.
Guangzhou Steel weld repair process and quality requirements and the same weld, the weld repair the same part number should not be more than twice as twice still unqualified after repair, repair programs should be re-enacted by the project technical director agrees, newspaper engineer approval before implementation.
Welding should be in the groove arc, arc-quenching should be filled crater. Multilayer welding joints should be staggered between the solder layer.
Repair parts should be continuously welded, such as interrupts welding should be taken after the heat insulation measures to prevent cracks.
Preheating temperature welding repair should be higher than the preheating temperature under the same conditions normal welding.
Repair welds shall be furnished NDT report repair construction and repair records before and after, as the project acceptance and archives.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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