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What Reinforcement light steel structure housing manufacturers have introduced

Time:[2016-3-16]  Hits:3902

What Reinforcement light steel structure housing manufacturers have introduced


In many structures which use a lot of steel structure design, with the continuous development of China's construction technology, steel and now there are serious flaws and damage or change the conditions of use, by checking the strength check, stiffness or stability is not when you meet the requirements, deal with steel reinforcement. The main method of Guangzhou Steel reinforcement are: to reduce the load, the calculated change in graphics, increase the original structure and the strength of the connection member section to prevent crack propagation and so on.
High light steel accessories factory production and mechanization (1) light steel housing, high degree of commercialization.
(2) the speed of light steel structure housing construction site fast, mainly dry operation is conducive to civilized construction.
(3) light steel structure housing steel building for sustainable development of environment-friendly products.

(4) light steel housing, light weight, good seismic performance.
(5) light steel structure housing the comprehensive economic indicators are not higher than the reinforced concrete structure.
(6) light steel structure housing compared to brick masonry building, a brick with soil to avoid bringing the waste of resources
It was identified that need reinforcement steel, according to the scope of the damage is generally divided into partial reinforcement and comprehensive reinforcement. Guangzhou local steel reinforcement is insufficient carrying capacity of a connecting rod or nodes reinforcement, increased rod cross-sectional method, reducing the length of the lever law and freedom of the connecting node reinforcement method. Is the comprehensive strengthening the overall structure reinforcement, there is no change in static structural reinforcement method computation graph and change the static structural reinforcement method computation graph types. Increase or strengthen the support system is also an effective method of reinforcement steel structure system. Reinforcement of the original increase in the member section is the most expensive material of the most labor intensive method, change the method of calculation diagram the most effective and varied greatly decrease the cost. Guangzhou Steel reinforcement is a complex work, a lot of factors to consider. Reinforcement should facilitate the construction does not affect the production, economic and reasonable, good effect, etc. to choose from, so, strengthening of steel structures it is also a science.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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