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Surface treatment (blasting) of steel prior to painting

Time:[2016-3-9]  Hits:4118

Surface treatment (blasting) of steel prior to painting

Guangzhou paint coating steel building steel structure engineering should be installed after the acceptance carried out in steel production. Before brushing paint, should take appropriate approach will require painting parts rust, weld coating, weld spatter, grease, dust and other debris to clean up.

The base surface cleaning rust quality will directly affect the quality of the coating is good or bad. Therefore, the quality of the base surface rust grade coating process should be consistent with the provisions of the design documentation requirements. Steel quality rust CLASSIFICATION executed "before painting steel surface rust grades and rust grades" (GB8923) standard.

Oil removal method according to the material, the type of oil and other factors to determine the workpiece, usually alkaline cleaning or solvent cleaning.

French immersion tank cleaning methods, scrubbing, spray cleaning and steam method.

Guangzhou Steel member steel surface rust method can be used according to the requirements of different hand-rust, machinery rust, sand-blasting, pickling rust and other methods.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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