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Steel Engineering strength bolted connection inspection requirements

Time:[2016-3-9]  Hits:4057

Steel Engineering strength bolted connection inspection requirements

High strength bolt friction surface should be smooth, dry, iron oxide surface may not have skin, burr, burr, paint and oil, remove loose rust with a wire brush along the direction perpendicular to the force. And shall not be installed in the rain.

Use a torque wrench should be required to calibrate torque wrench set to respond before the class to be checked before using.

Guangzhou Steel in strict accordance to the surrounding extended from the middle of the order, the early implementation of twist, twist the end of the construction technology program, non-step method of direct final twist. A high-strength bolted joint on bolt group should be central to start the installation, one by one tightening, tighten it again each application are different colors of paint be marked to prevent leakage twist. High strength bolts fastening parts order from stiffness to unfettered free end be carried out from the middle to the edges, so that the adhesiveness between the plates.

Should be free to penetrate the high-strength bolts bolt hole. When reaming, iron may not fall into lamellar. Reaming shall not exceed 1/3 of one joint bolt hole, reaming diameter of not greater than 2 mm aperture together. High strength bolts were forbidden to use gas cutting reaming work.

Guangzhou Steel long-term storage of more than six months or improper care caused by rusty bolts and contaminated dirt, may alter the performance of the torque coefficient or bolts of high strength bolts, as the case should be cleaned, rust and lubrication process, and the torque coefficient or bolt pre-tension test, qualified before use.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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