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Characteristics of steel plant

Time:[2016-2-27]  Hits:4380

Characteristics of steel plant

Guangzhou Steel plant mainly refers to the main load-bearing member is made of steel composition. Including steel pillars, steel beams, steel base, steel roof (of course, relatively large span of the plant, are now basically a steel roof trusses), steel roof, steel wall now more attention with new insulation material.

Steel construction of industrial and civil facilities are called steel due to China's steel output increases, many are beginning to use a steel plant, specifically, also points of light and heavy steel plant. Compared to other materials and structures, Nanjing offer cheap steel, steel has the following characteristics:

1. High-strength steel, light weight structure

Although the density of steel is larger than other building materials, but its high strength, is also subject to the forces under, steel weight is small, it can be made large span structures.

2. good plasticity and toughness of steel

Good plasticity steel structure will not accidentally overloaded or partial overloading sudden rupture in general. Good toughness of steel, so that the structure of the dynamic load adaptability.

3. The steel material uniformity, high reliability

Steel internal homogeneous and isotropic. The actual performance of steel with theoretical calculations used in compliance with good degree, and therefore, high reliability of the structure.

4. weldable steel

Because of weldable steel, steel making connections greatly simplified, adapted to manufacture a variety of complex shape structures.

5. Steel production, installation of a high degree of industrialization

Guangzhou Steel production is mainly specialized in metal structure plant, thus making simple, high precision. Member formed transported to the site installation, high degree of assembly, installation fast, short construction period.

6. The steel sealing

Steel internal organization is very compact when using welded connections, even the use of rivets or bolts, are easy to do not leak tight.

7. Steel heat

When the surface temperature of the steel at less than 1500C, a small change in the strength of steel, and therefore suitable for hot steel plant.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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