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Residential Steel industry ready

Time:[2016-2-24]  Hits:4239

Residential Steel industry ready
  Guangzhou Steel believes that the Government's strong support of green building and protection of housing construction of residential demand for steel will be growing, the industry is in Charge of the outbreak point in time, the next few years will maintain a high growth rate.

Steel housing refers to factory production beams, columns for the skeleton, while supporting the new lightweight, thermal insulation, high strength wall materials, etc., as homes built by the envelope. GF Securities believes that the Government's strong support of green building and protection of housing construction of residential demand for steel will be growing, the industry is in Charge of the outbreak point in time, the next few years will maintain a high growth rate.

Places have been put "hard targets"

And the lack of previous advocacy of different specific requirements, "CPC Central Committee and State Council on further strengthening urban planning and construction management work," recently released, the promotion of prefabricated buildings made specific timetable. This clearly indicates that in 10 years and strive to make the assembly building of new buildings accounted for 30% share.

Some local governments have also set the industrialization of residential coverage specific timetable. For example, Hangzhou requirements "affordable housing projects each year at least 30% of the use of new building construction industrialization mode"; Shandong Yantai requirements "to" Thirteen Five 'at the end, the city assembled the residential area of ​​more than 30% of the new residential area. " And many local governments represent will promote steel construction into the "Thirteen Five" plan. Local governments on Structure Residential "hard targets" is expected to be launched soon, which will promote the steel structure housing play a direct stimulus.

High costs have not become a stumbling block

Although previous steel housing cost is high, but as steel prices continue to decline, envelope products become more sophisticated, enterprise technology continue to make breakthroughs, combined with the policy of subsidies, steel housing will show a cost advantage.

Guangzhou Steel accounted for 20% -30% of the overall cost of steel housing. Compared to the reinforced concrete structure, steel structure housing the use of pure steel main frame, steel capacity, high processing fees, resulting in higher cost of their body. At present, China's crude steel production capacity excesses, steel prices continue to decline resulting in steel prices, such as steel works before the price can be sold after the installation of 6,000 yuan / ton, and now may only sell 3,000 yuan / ton, because only 2,000 of steel yuan / ton. Lower steel prices can reduce the direct cost of steel housing to some extent.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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