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Promotion of Rural Residential steel or steel overcapacity digestible

Time:[2016-2-20]  Hits:4444

Guangzhou Steel News: Promotion of Rural Residential steel or steel overcapacity digestible


Guangzhou Steel News: In order to speed up China's steel production capacity to melt, we propose in our countryside and earthquake-prone areas, small cities and towns to promote the multi-storey residential steel, absorb the excess steel production capacity.
The current I overcapacity issues outstanding, the Central Economic Work Conference in 2016 also made five tasks, one of which is "to produce energy." In the production capacity to this task, "to iron and steel production capacity," it is also a key task in 2016 and the years ahead. To speed up China's steel production capacity to melt, we propose in our countryside and earthquake-prone areas, small cities and towns to promote the multi-storey residential steel, absorb the excess steel production capacity.

The current production of crude steel capacity has nearly 12 million tonnes, crude steel production in 2014 reached 822 million tons, apparent consumption was about 723 million tons. Thus the problem of excess steel production capacity is extremely prominent, we need to go through a variety of ways, digestive capacity. China's rural residents in residential construction to maintain about 250 million -3 one hundred million (sets), a single independent main buildings, mostly brick and masonry structure, the performance of the "three difference between the two low": the overall poor quality of construction poor seismic performance, poor aesthetics; supplies recycling rate, low energy and environmental conservation. Of land area, the more earthquake-prone, small town planning level is not high, low-quality building a broader, building renovation heavier tasks, a larger space for development.


Residential Steel

Since reform and opening, with the improved living standards of rural residents, a huge number of rural homes were built or upgraded, and with the development of urbanization process and the focus on the development of the villages, for quite a long time, rural residents to improve housing will remain a huge quantity.

Therefore, the author recommends, for rural residents housing construction timber for change: to promote steel housing. Thus, at this stage we can speed up the digestion of a certain amount of excess steel production capacity, but also greatly improve the quality of rural housing, recycling of residential construction materials.

Earthquake-prone areas and small towns of low population density, which in some areas can be extended steel single residential and low-rise residential. According to the existing domestic steel housing member villa system (including the main structure, wall structure, floor structure and roof structure) Calculation Case: steel used in construction per square meter is about 30 kilograms, with 300 square meters of monomeric 一幢layer of low-rise buildings calculations about steel 9000 kg (ie, 9 tons). If the annual national new and renovation 5 million (sets), with about 45 million tons of steel; if we can build and transform 10 million (sets), with about 90 million tons of steel, it would be a huge steel consumption market.

If you go through this road, then the future of the country can be developed for at least 10 years - 15 years of huge market demand. In Part Japan, Australia, European countries, the steel construction of villas and low-rise residents townhouse style buildings for many years more mature approach, particularly technical barriers do not exist.

China's current steel housing prices calculated according to the company, the cost of brick and concrete structure almost single economy, general construction cost per square meter in 1600 yuan -1800 yuan, including water and electricity is turned on (excluding appliances), equivalent to Paperback, can be directly accepted, but does not include base. Light steel villa lowest cost up to about 1,200 yuan per square meter. If demand and improve the design, the production cost may be reduced. Therefore, from a cost perspective, there is the possibility of promotion.

The author believes that the promotion of the benefits of steel housing comprising: seismic performance, especially safer in the earthquake-prone areas; construction speed, can be industrially produced; building high utilization rate, the same area of ​​land, buildings can be improved room rate; supplies It can be recycled, after reaching a certain ownership, improve steel production of raw materials for future construction; protection of land resources, a significant reduction in brick with soil.

In terms of policy support, residential part of daily necessities, rural areas, need the appropriate policy support earthquake-prone areas and small towns to promote steel housing. First, the government can catch a number of demonstration area and model points, and encouraging research and development units of a number of appearance design novel, simple and practical, suitable for all climate, lifestyle residential model, combined with the new energy (solar energy) is widely used. In terms of tax support, can implement tax incentives or reduction of the production plant, design, construction, sales and other units. In addition, the authorities can also use the study guide to support rural steel housing policies, such as the replacement of homestead, etc; can be tested in urban fringe set aside a certain area, open to residents to rent housing for the people to open up a reduced cost of living way.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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