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Steel housing should become the development direction

Time:[2016-1-20]  Hits:4155

Guangzhou Steel News: Steel housing should become the development direction

Guangzhou Steel News: implementation of construction industrialization, improve construction efficiency, improve construction quality, low-carbon energy, in line with the requirements of sustainable development, but also an effective ideas to resolve the overcapacity in steel, in promoting new urbanization process, to further strengthen Steel for the construction of industrial buildings on behalf of industrialized development, have great practical significance.

Steel housing, the city is building structures recyclable. It is not only recyclable, reuse, reduce construction waste emissions, but also promote the development of the housing industry, and promote the upgrading and construction parts on upgrading. Compared with developed countries, there is a big gap in the steel green buildings. In the United States, Japan and other developed countries, steel steel consumption has accounted for more than 30% of steel production, steel construction area of ​​more than 40% of total construction area. In China, steel steel less than 6%, and the proportion of the total area of ​​steel building construction area of ​​less than 5%.

At present, China's main building structure is reinforced concrete and masonry structure, which is the main cause of building energy consumption. Materials reinforced concrete and masonry structures recycling rate, resulting in a huge waste of resources, after the structure removal, a large amount of construction waste to deal with them costly. The steel construction in the whole life cycle to maximize scrap reserves, to become the second mining, promote the production and the steel industry can reasonably achieve circular economy and energy saving; excellent seismic performance of steel buildings can be reduced personnel earthquake casualties and property losses, may be formed as soon as a temporary shelter, the cost of reconstruction is also low; also industrial production, short construction period, construction of quality and duration guaranteed.

Our steel production sufficient for the realization of industrial steel buildings provide a solid material foundation. Large-scale promotion of steel construction, can effectively break the current domestic steel production capacity clearly excessive, construction business bogged down pattern. However, the current steel varieties of steel to optimize the absorption of excess production capacity, a lot of practice on the difficult, but also the need for concerted government and society.

First, the government should be to support the policy, such as the establishment of a common platform has supported industry interaction and cooperation, and promote the industry matures. Secondly, civil construction steel market development, priority focus on those relatively simple structured building types, such as office, school, hospital and other buildings. After a certain degree of improvement in terms of market share, social influence and customer acceptance, etc., and then gradually focus to wide range of large residential class buildings, and ultimately to achieve the ultimate goal of developing civil prefabricated steel.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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