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Steel Canopy detailed construction process

Time:[2016-1-20]  Hits:4372

Guangzhou Steel tells you: Steel Canopy detailed construction process

Guangzhou Steel canopy construction process in detail

1, machining preparation and cutting

Stake according to construction plans, stakeout, and when the number expected to be reserved and welding shrinkage allowance, depending on the stake as a model. Steel Correction: former steel cutting must be corrected, deviation value after correction should not exceed the tolerance value specification in order to ensure the quality of unloading. Thermal processing of steel to thermal processing, number of holes to be cool before. Steel embedded parts and other parts cutting drilling and spraying anti-corrosion paint treatment.

2. Surveying

According to a baseline survey of civil elevation elevation centerline embedded parts, check embedded parts elevation deviation about the deviation. Collating the results, determine embedded parts separated adjustment treatment program. Eject ink line along the outer edge of the floor fix embedded parts top level line.

3, embedded parts installation process

Location embedded parts installation location, drilling installation. Embedded parts requires accurate position, firmly embedded. Elevation deviation is less than 9mm, about displacement of not more than 20mm.

4, the suspension arm mounting welding

Suspension arm mounting welded, check welded joints, adjustable suspension arm design slope, accurate order for welding. After a suspension arm aside the accuracy, install the other side of a suspension arm, after the place accurate spot welding. And then as the base can the two suspension arm suspension arm of the highest elevation of the bottom line, one by welding the remaining suspension arm. Seamless steel tubes and welded. Steel need to take a long time, the first welding head and straightening. When using steel joints for the joint steel and steel plate embedded parts against the design requirements should go shovel flute angle. Butt welds should be at both ends of the arc welds on board, the same as its material and wave port types and weldment cut and polished after welding gas cutting.

5, the calibration test

First, check the quality of the field joints of the rear suspension arm mounting. Arm installation quality checks suspension arm is not perpendicular to the main degree vertical plane; lateral compression of the suspension arm drooping vertical plane; suspension arm slope. Arm ensure compliance with the overall design of the stress state and stability requirements.

6, even acceptance CABLE

Positioning rod baseline level line, required to install embedded parts, welded railing.

7, stainless steel, glass claw mount soldering

According to the design size pop-up vertical and horizontal lines and the design elevation, clamping jig, positioning spot welding, assembled, welded glass claw base.

8, anti-rust paint treatment

Should remove slag and spatter, stainless steel surface spraying white paint multi-pass anti-rust paint treatment. Coatings and film thickness shall comply with the design requirements or construction norms. To paint the inside of the limb steel painted not leak.

9, laminated glass processing and production installation

According to design requirements to determine the combination of measured size glass sizes, as well as horizontal and vertical position, factory manufacture. After the installation of stainless steel glass adjustment claw, glass temporary fixed, adjusting the standard horizontal flat, vertical, flat surface. Deviation shall not exceed the deviation.

10, to adjust the test

Point-glass test overall adjustment, adjusting the standard horizontal flat, vertical, flat surface. Deviation shall not exceed the deviation.

11, the upper and lower gluing

The gap between fully clean the glass, there should be no water, oil, paint, rust, cement mortar, dust. Adhesive surface sufficiently cleaned, dried. To adjust the depth of the seam, to avoid triangular viscose. Protection on both sides of the seam tape affixed to the cover glass is not contaminated. Up and down while playing sealant after dispensing glue seam smooth surface, remove excess glue. Plastic injection is completed, the protective paper tear, wipe the glass with a solvent when necessary. Glue is not completely cured before, not from dust and scratches.

12, patch test

Local repair test.

13, glass cleaning

Overall clean glass dust, wipe the glass with a solvent when necessary to determine the various parts are no problem after waiting acceptance.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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