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high-rise steel structure building design points

Time:[2016-1-13]  Hits:4491

Guangzhou steel structure (high-rise steel structure building design points
With the development of Chinese economy, high-rise buildings in the earth have become common in China. Our country "high gauge" (JGJ 3-2010), more than 10 layers of civil structures known as high-rise buildings, there is a situation in which is the building height more than 28 other civil building, also known as high-rise buildings. As the traditional steel structure material, in the housing market has more and more widely used. In order to guarantee the safety of high-rise steel structure building, guangzhou steel structure reminds design must consider the following points:
1, high-rise steel structure building design should pay attention to the following six ratio:
1) the axial compression ratio, mainly to control the ductility of the structure.
2) cut weight ratio: mainly to control the minimum floor seismic shear force, to ensure structural safety.
3) stiffness ratio: the main vertical regularity for the control structure, in order to avoid the vertical stiffness mutation, the formation of the weak layer.
4) the displacement ratio: mainly for the control structure plane regularity, in order to avoid formation of reverse, harmful to the structure. 5) cycle than: mainly for the control structure torsion effect, reduce the reverse the adverse influence on the structure.
6) just weight ratio: mainly for the stability of the control structure, lest produce sliding and overturning in the structure.
2, the load
Structure horizontal load of wind load and earthquake load is the main control factors, the structure design of the structure internal force and displacement generally adopts the elastic method to calculate, with the requirements for seismic resistance of the structure, besides, the elastic stage under the action of earthquake, the elastic-plastic stage should also check can enter state. When the wind vibration calculation for building the top small outstanding buildings main structure parts, should be included in the lash effect, especially for the top of mast structure should be analyzed.
Three calculation model,
High-rise steel structure calculation model according to the specific structure and the determination of calculation content, general can adopt plane resist lateral force structure space collaborative computing model. When the structure arrangement rule, the quality and stiffness along the height distribution uniform plane structure calculation model can be used; When the structure or facade is irregular, cannot be divided into flat unit to resist lateral force, calculation model considering spatial structure.
4, the foundation design
The foundation of high-rise steel structure building design, construction sites must be taken into account comprehensively the geological conditions, the type of upper structure, to ensure that the building is not excessive settlement or tilt, meet the requirements of normal use of buildings. Should also pay attention to the mutual influence and adjacent buildings, especially in the surrounding high-rise buildings, appropriate USES of raft foundation, box foundation can be used when necessary. When good geological conditions, the load is small, and can satisfy the requirement of foundation bearing capacity and deformation, also can be in the form of cross beam basis or other basis; When the foundation bearing capacity and deformation can not meet the design requirements, pile foundation and composite foundation can be used.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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