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Caigang steel structure fire against know thin factor analysis

Time:[2016-1-6]  Hits:4719

Caigang steel structure fire against know thin factor analysis
Guangzhou steel structure First of all, the construction personnel caigang steel structure fire against weak safety knowledge. In construction projects, construction site temporary recruitment of personnel is more, most of these cultural level is low, weak fire safety knowledge. At the same time, the site of illegal use of fire and electricity fire.
Due to the lack of mastery of basic common sense fire construction personnel, the fire hazard is more, displays in: one is the violation of electricity, not according to the electrical devices use rules, to pull disorderly wiring, easy to cause electrical system; 2 it is not on the basis of power electrical equipment basis on choosing the corresponding wire specifications and artificially added electric equipment, form electrical wiring gives out heat load overload on fire; 3 it is the usual life management difficulty is larger, the construction site is not equipped with corresponding fire control facilities. Due to the construction units most heavy economic efficiency, speed, and ignore the security, the general construction housing has not been equipped with the necessary fire fighting equipment at the scene. Some even equipped with a fire equipment, mostly is a decoration, fire fighting equipment most failure, expired, it can't use. Many construction sites are not implement the temporary water, in case of fire, water saves them in time.
Second, the national building materials industry standard in the request
Once again, lack of caigang steel structure housing insulation fire detection based on construction. Produce factory inspection report issued by a long-term effectiveness, quality skills supervision department is responsible for the color steel plate production and circulation in the field of regulation, but the lack of combustion function requests based on the standard, or there is the request of below the fire regulations request again. And construction departments and the public security fire department is only responsible for the supervision and management overlay at ordinary times in the housing use, for the current sales of choi steel structure inside the burning function of the heat preservation material whether achieve B1 level, lack of request the construction units compulsory fire detection based on choi steel structure. So cause choi steel structure construction of housing thermal insulation material burning function achieve B1 level request is in a state of regulatory vacuum. Guangzhou steel structure
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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