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steel structure building is the key to solve the iron and steel production capacity to

Time:[2015-12-26]  Hits:4582

Guangzhou steel structure: steel structure building is the key to solve the iron and steel production capacity to

Guangzhou steel structure (as "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning an important component of the reform of the supply side, countries are brewing punch governance overcapacity problem, will speed up to establish more effective exit mechanism, use marketing gimmick dissolve excess capacity further. For the traditional manufacturing severe overcapacity in the steel industry, to transformation and upgrading of capacity will become the industry's top priority.

The 19th meeting of central finance leading group (4 "annihilation" is put forward, including excess capacity. Politburo meeting recently reintroduced to actively yet prudently proceed with company, through the merger and reorganization, bankruptcy, liquidation, achieve market clearing.

Market demand reversed transmission steel company transformation

, according to the latest figures in the large and medium-sized iron and steel company of steel association statistics, from January to October, the loss of large and medium-sized iron and steel company is 38.638 billion yuan RMB, the main business losses of 72 billion yuan, 101 large and medium-sized iron and steel company in the 48 losses, percentage of loss-incurring enterprises expand to 47.5%, the average return on sales - 1.5%. In December last year to this year, China's steel production capacity of 64.35 million tons. According to incomplete statistics, at present the steel production capacity is close to 1.2 billion tons.

Steel under the present situation of severe overcapacity, is facing the global demand slump. China metallurgical industry of sarft, the latest research shows, forecast China steel actual consumption of 668 million tons in 2015, fell 4% year on year, forecast China steel actual consumption of 648 million tons in 2016, compared to reduce 20 million tons, down 3% year-on-year.

Iron and steel industry is the foundation of the national economy industry, is also one of the most serious, the biggest impact of the industry overcapacity. Transformation of the weak market demand reversed transmission steel company, capacity and inventory, adjust structure, promote the upgrade, become a priority of the reform of the iron and steel industry. In 2013 the state council "to resolve the contradiction of severe overcapacity guidance opinion" pointed out that, to implement the "to promote the application of steel structure in construction field, promotion in areas prone to natural disasters such as earthquake resistant building such as integrated light steel structure house; steadily expanding market demand", including steel, aluminum, etc.

Recently there are media reports, chongqing's mayor, huang qifan, the fifth plenary session of the communist party of China, held in October, China should introduce relevant provision, things will be built two times, the amount of steel used in the to alleviate the iron and steel industry overcapacity. "Iron and steel industry to capacity is imminent, iron and steel company in response to the transformation and upgrading, actively grasp the market opportunity, explore collaboration with the downstream steel structure building, maybe will meet a new dawn." The first domestic steel structure of the listed company chairman ChanYinMu said, as the downstream industry of steel structure building in iron and steel industry by the state vigorously advocate and promote the market environment, the steel quantity will be increased, the iron and steel company to explore in trouble and steel structure building, will bring new vitality to iron and steel company.

Steel structure repair the establishment of a new vision to carry out the steel for change

Steel structure building as the years began to appeared in the streets "rookie", the building of the industry to develop rapidly, or proportion of the total building rise year by year, the gap of the demand for steel has attracted the attention of a great many companies also. According to understand, to production, one of the key provinces of hebei, under the positive support of the local government, hebei beautiful stones, mountain steel group respectively in 2014 and 2014, with the investigation into hangxiao steel tube bundle of composite shear wall structure residence system to conduct a comprehensive technical cooperation, realize the steel structure company cross-border collaboration and real estate company, not only provides a new path for the local real estate company transformation, will also help to expand the steel demand, for hebei iron and steel "capacity" turn over "digest" new channels.

Large steel for steel structure is worthy of the name "". According to the personage inside course of study to estimate, "twelfth five-year" period, China steel structure with steel quantity about 50 million tons; By the end of "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" steel weight of the steel structure building can increase to 70 million tons. If coupled with policy and industry collaboration, the expected ShiGang steel weight of the structure can break 100 million tons. The traditional building steel weight of the traditional building in 50 kilograms per square meter, steel structure building with steel quantity 70-100 kg/square meter. Visible, the use of steel structure set to carry out the green building, to dissolve the iron and steel industry overcapacity problems are sure to have the effect of timely.

There is no question that the steel structure building in recent years is conducted for the steel companies bear the weight of increasingly strong market demand, and steel mills and steel structure company teamed up with under the background of the overall market demand is weak, gives the steel companies more and more "imagination".

In the field of steel structure, hangxiao could not only on steel structure workshop, large span space structure, steel structure building engineering construction, a large number of using steel, relieve excess steel production capacity, but also in the more developed by hangxiao designed and obtains the national invention patent of steel structure residence projects, from production to build all aspects, such as using steel construction, the market demand. "The establishment of the fifth plenary session of the party's eighteen of vision, coordination, green, open, sharing the five to carry out the idea, set up different to carry out in the first place. Hangxiao response to different idea, at the same time in the technology of different road to go on and continue to explore business model of vision, to move downstream industry chain on the coordinated, implement green economy." ChanYinMu said.

The personage inside course of study says, steel and steel structure company level "marriage", also accord with the steel mills of personalized service transformation idea, is advantageous to the steel mills to dissolve excess capacity, and to do customized direction to carry on the transformation and upgrading, so as to avoid the market with the price of "direct confrontation", explore the steel mills "differentiation competition".

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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