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FILLED president of China's steel association

Time:[2015-12-19]  Hits:5204

Guangzhou Steel news: FILLED president of China's steel association



Seventh Congress of China's steel association held in Jinan, voted for the president of the country FILLED Steel Association, Zhou Xu, vice president of human red 29, Hou trillion new Secretary-General. The Assembly also voted by 122 man-Wan Xiaohua, etc. Seventh Council of Steel Association executive director, Ding Dayi and other man-made China's steel association 379 Seventh Council.
Guangzhou Steel reported that at the meeting, China's steel association issued a "tenth installment of China's steel manufacturing business intelligence," "National Steel 2015 annual corporate credit rating unit", "2015 annual steel Jiechurencai Award" and "2015 annual China's steel Structure Association of Science and Technology Award "and" China's steel association annual Engineering Award ", and in recognition of the" 2011 ~ 2015 annual advanced workers in branches and outstanding association. "
FILLED president said that China Steel Association Seventh Council faced with opportunities and challenges under the new normal. Thus, the Seventh Council will seize the opportunity to actively create a new situation "new normal" under the country's steel association work; outstanding scientific and technological innovation, leading the steel industry and technological progress; with international standards, and increase international exchange efforts for "going out" to provide technical support; propose the steel industry, "Thirteen Five" program proposals and "Steel 2025" program points.
More than 620 delegates attended the meeting. The Assembly also passed the "Articles of Association of Steel (revised)" and "Steel Association dues of charge method (revised)."

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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