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Industrial construction, the steel hand subsequent impact of BIM

Time:[2015-12-12]  Hits:4455

Industrial construction, the steel hand subsequent impact of BIM

BIM skills to make full use of the status of the construction project at times, participate in the project's decision-making and planning, decision-making power and the progress of planning strength, co-promoter of the construction of the development industry.

I. Introduction

Times are updated skills in progress, all the time, there are new skills to be excavated and used. China is in a relatively backward position, in projects such as the skills and innovation, use and management can not be compared with the United States, Western Europe and other developed countries. With the spread of the culture of information and personnel, China's information skills to lead other technology, with its strong driving force to promote the progress of aerospace, aviation, electricity, machinery, automotive, and other fields, from information skills to the production process, In the industry, management and sale, we have been very significant progress. In this context of the promotion, BIM skills to become a butterfly, make full use of the status of the construction project in the times, participate in the project of resolution plans and programs, the strength of the power of decision-making progress and planning will help the development of the construction industry. Guangzhou Steel

Two, BLM presentation

1.BLM presentation

BLM referred to the whole life cycle of construction, a plan was defined from the beginning of the construction project, involving planning, construction, operation, dismantling of protection to the whole process of the construction of the project is very important. BLM whole life cycle of the primary construction is divided into four periods, the first is the plan period, the second period is involved, and the third is the construction period, and the fourth is operational period. Guangzhou Steel

2.BIM use of BLM

In BLM whole life cycle of construction, BIM skills to use in the following priority areas:

The first is in the planning period, BIM skills first used in the practice background, model building, expected to cost, in batches period, scene selection, and placement and other aspects of space.

Secondly, in the planning period, BIM skills to use in the primary verification plan, including the aspects of program development, selection, analysis, evaluation and norms. Then the construction period, BIM skills to use in the primary coordination, planning to use the rules of use, selection system, the skills of processing and materials and other aspects.

Finally, in the operation period, BIM skills to use in recording the first part of the construction, a detailed project covering the development, protection, analysis and management of the project, as well as protection and post-warranty.

Third, the advantage of using BIM skills

Everyone in the use of BIM skills period, in addition to the budget can improve accuracy, reduce errors, save material and human resources, but also has the following advantages:

First, the model information related to collaboration. Use BIM skills, on the basis of three-dimensional geometric topology relationships and on building model information-related synergies, all information related to the construction and management information.

Second, it is to identify the updated Model. In BLM whole life cycle of construction, strongly urged the BIM skills corresponding information model object must be able to identify and be able to update the system after statistical analysis to build the model information, records related documents and graphics, constitutes a virtual form, and from time to time synchronization update .

Finally, the overall evolution of the model widening. BIM skills BLM whole life cycle of construction overall generalization, involving changes to the model and the associated build broadened, 2D to 3D to four, managed to run simultaneously. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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