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Time:[2015-11-7]  Hits:4402

Guangzhou Steel News: "Steel manufacturing and equipment (Revised)" solicit stereotypes draft assessment by experts

Shanghai Metal Structure Industry Association and Shanghai a group editor of the "steel manufacturing and equipment procedures" Amendment jobs since August last year, was officially launched, after 21 steel manufacturing and equipment units 27 experts hard investment, it has held The meeting focused on seven, and collecting society experts stereotypes 321, after carding summary, formally submitted expert assessment will be evaluated.

Professional Standardization Technical Committee of Shanghai Construction on the morning of October 27 in a Shanghai Group Co. conference room, hosted the "rules" draft expert assessment meeting to solicit stereotypes. Shanghai construction materials industry market leaders of relevant departments Management Station, Shanghai Metal Structure Industry Association Chen Ronglin the Secretary-General, members of the evaluation committee of experts will prepare and some group members attended the meeting.

Evaluation of the meeting, "rules" about the revision of the project on behalf of the preparation group, amendment, revision process, experts use and not use stereotypes note four elements, specifically reported on the "order" of the revised job. Participants assessed seven experts carefully reviewed the revised document and solicit stereotypes summary cases, to fully express their stereotypes and suggestions. Guangzhou Steel

The experts shared the view that the revised "Regulations" written specification, the contents completely, clear, and relevant international standards, an innovative integrated into the BIM technology, digital pre-assembly, welding robots, construction design, material preparation and management of content specifically developed a quality control of steel manufacturing, it means the whole process has advanced, practical, operability, with guidance for large, complex steel structure manufacturing apparatus.

The experts consulted stereotypes (summary) draft recommendations, prepared the group hopes will be assessed on the basis of stereotypes experts, modify "order" in the individual non-standard language.

After discussion summary assessment will review, together through the "steel manufacturing and equipment (Revised)" solicit stereotypes (summary) draft, agreed to modify the form based on the manuscript after experts stereotypes.

Association Secretary-General Chen Ronglin editor unit representatives spoke at the meeting, thanked the experts on "Regulations" revision operation care and support, made many valuable stereotypes, the preparation group must deliver the goods, in accordance with the requirements of the standard committee, according to experts stereotypes , seize the time to amend, submitted on time "order" manuscript, the successful completion of the revision task.

It is understood that the manuscript will be submitted to Shanghai Construction CST assessment after assessment after formal approval to the Shanghai housing and construction management committee. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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