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steel spray sprayed zinc and aluminum corrosion effect principle

Time:[2015-9-12]  Hits:4894

Guangzhou Steel tells you: steel spray sprayed zinc and aluminum corrosion effect principle

     Since the steel structure long-term in various atmospheres (including marine, industrial cities, fields, mines), dipping different water (sea water, fresh water) and different etching environment, and failure are subject to different degrees of corrosion. According to information produced worldwide each year, about one tenth of steel becomes rust, about 30% of steel equipment failure due to corrosion. Industrially developed countries, the annual direct economic losses due to the metal corrosion caused about 2 to 4% of national economic output, China's economy is also this loss amounted to several hundred billion dollars a year. Thermal spray zinc, thermal spray coating of aluminum and its alloys, plus the shutdown process, it can be prepared a long-term protective composite coating.
Steel zinc corrosion spray aluminum spray arc spraying technology especially the most common, and more widespread application prospects. Arc spraying antiseptic principle is to use arc spraying equipment, two live wires (such as zinc, aluminum, etc.) for heating, melting, spray, spray forming anti-corrosion coating, plus the long-term preservation of organic closed coating composite coating notable feature of the coating is:
It has a relatively long life expectancy of its corrosion resistant life span can reach more than 50 years, while the use of anti-corrosion coating corrosion protection without any other period of 30 years; 30 years of protection in the future, only to be on the arc sprayed layer paint brush Close ; no repainting, achieve a preservative coating durable and effective. Guangzhou Steel
Arc spraying layer and the metal substrate coating with excellent binding capacity (up to 10Mp above), the metal coating layer mechanically inlay and micro base metal metallurgical combine, in a slight bending, impact or collision also ensures anti-corrosion coating do not fall off, can not afford leather, combined with a solid, long-term effective preservative, and this is in any other anti-corrosion coating surface can not be achieved. Steel construction, steel sprayed aluminum spray zinc corrosion coating principle is cathodic protection in corrosive environments, even if the anti-corrosion coating local damage, still has dedicated themselves to protect the steel substrate of the role. Coating area (anode) and steel substrate (cathode) ratio ≥1; and zinc-rich paint both anode and cathode ratio <1, and its protective effect and binding force is also far below the arc spraying anti-corrosion coating. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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