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Guangzhou Steel News: steel construction will drive the steel industry restructuring

Time:[2015-9-2]  Hits:4722

Guangzhou Steel News: steel construction will drive the steel industry restructuring

    The first half of 2015 the domestic steel industry's main business loss grim data show that in the first six months of domestic steel enterprises sales revenue and profits were lower year on year, the main business loss 21.68 billion yuan, increasing loss of 16.768 billion yuan. Goal is to promote the steel industry carried out by the steel industry to carry out low-carbon, green conduct, in communion with the city to carry out, so the rise of the steel construction to become the new hope of the domestic steel industry conducted. In addition, "the construction of the steel industry carried out second Five-Year Plan" also pointed out that five-second period of China should gradually build steel timber accounted for 10% of the country's total output of steel, iron and steel industry to accelerate the transformation and upgrading. It can be said, an important representative of steel construction as a green construction, in the whole life cycle through reduction, reuse, capital, reduction of circular economy to carry out the principle of priority, to the maximum limit of capital savings, protecting the environment, reducing the Pollution. Meanwhile, as China's economy entered a new norm, steel construction as an important representative of the green building industry, steel demand in the supply of new opportunities. Data show that the end of the five to thirteen steel construction steel capacity can be increased to 70 million tons, if coupled with coordinated force policy and industry, when the domestic steel steel consumption is expected to break 100 million tons. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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