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Guangzhou Steel tells you: What is the steel construction program? What are the main contents?

Time:[2015-9-2]  Hits:4691

Guangzhou Steel tells you: What is the steel construction program? What are the main contents?


Construction of steel structures, such as factories, airports, etc., we are very familiar with, but many users do not concern steel construction program, but the quality of the steel construction program of construction and other factors is very large, which what steel construction program? The main content of steel construction programs have?
Guangzhou Steel construction program was the construction of the construction project of a steel designated under implementation. Including arrangements for a scheme of arrangement (constituting each functional arrangements, the respective responsibilities, mutual relations, etc.), personnel program (project leader, the person in charge of each arrangement, the professional responsible persons), technical solutions (Progress arrangements, key technology plan, serious construction plans, etc.), security solutions (security overall request, the construction risk factors analysis, safety measures, serious construction safety plan, etc.), the information supplied to the program (data supply process, contact Paul seized the process, temporary (emergency issue) Data Acquisition processes, etc.). In addition, according to the project site to defend the program as well as the size, logistics solutions, and so on.
Guangzhou Steel construction program
Guangzhou Steel construction program is determined according to the project, some projects simple, short construction period will not demand to develop complex schemes.
Guangzhou Steel construction program content
Generally include the following:
1, prepared in accordance with the principle of
2, the preparation of the scope
3, Project Overview
4, the overall arrangement to settle and duration
5, the construction technology program
6, schedule assurance approach
7, quality objectives, assurance system and guarantee measures
8, objectives and ensure production safety measures
9, emergency rescue plan
10, season, winter construction assurance measures
11 Environmental Protection Measures
12, civil construction request
13, the Party and coordination, supervision and design between

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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