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Guangzhou Steel News: steel residential instrumental support Floor System

Time:[2015-8-29]  Hits:5019

Guangzhou Steel News: steel residential instrumental support Floor System

Selection tool type supporting cast floor slabs, the advantage is all good performance, easy decoration, but the template than the fee, reinforced with steel beams connect and construct more complex, and long construction period, while simultaneously, in order to ensure concrete slabs and steel interaction of the beam, steel girder flanges must set the necessary pegs. Beam-column nodes and node pedestal in steel frame - concrete tube or steel frame - Anti-side support system, the beam-column joints can be selected hinged, rigid or semi-rigid connection then, for multilevel steel housing, steel columns Most high-frequency welding H-beam, due to the H-shaped cross section of the web is relatively thin, so the weak axis multi-use hinge connecting the beam, in the strong axis of the beam to connect an optional rigid connection, and sometimes also the choice of semi-rigid connections, but its subject force characteristic is more complex, in addition to a multi-layer steel components should be avoided relatively thin construction site welding, accelerate the construction schedule. Floor steel beams and concrete barrel hinge connection can be used. In high-rise steel structure housing, in order to ensure the concrete barrel after cracking, the steel frame is still enough capacity, the steel frame is generally just pick the selection of peripherals, while the choice of floor beams and concrete barrel hinge. When structural arrangement, the spindle is disposed within the general framework of steel plane. Beams should be satisfied with the choice of just pick weak beam requirement, large bays housing conditions to be satisfied, the column size will be relatively large, perhaps under conditions dimensionless peripheral pillars due perhaps use a small bay, from the existing engineering situation, when the structural arrangement, in addition to the elevator floor set to the cylinder, it can also be arranged in a concrete tube bathroom. As for the steel column base connections can also be used articulated or rigid connection, can be used when the team and the basement of a multi-layer and high-rise a few more articulated, but should consider the pedestal in the underground part of the corrosion, while team-rise residential, column base should be used Just pick. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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